“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.Martin Luther King


  • Men encounter more severe treatment at every step of the criminal-legal process, especially during the charging, plea-bargaining, and sentencing stages.
  • Compared to women, men accused of sex offenses are treated more harshly by  the criminal system.
  • The bias is so pronounced that male victims of statutory rape often are required to pay child support to their rapist.

Strategies and Solutions:

  • Assertively speak out when the legal system’s mistreatment of men is ignored.
  • Correct false stereotypes about “male violence:”


Strategies and Solutions:

    1. Legislators should amend previous legislation, ensuring that all criminal offenses contain a mens rea element.
    2. Legislators should redraft the laws that define criminal offenses in an overly-broad manner in order to better specify the nature of the offenses.
    3. Eliminate the use of victim-centered investigations, which ask detectives to presume guilt on the part of the accused and presume that the complainant’s allegations are valid.
    4. Limit the use of the conclusory terms, such as “victim” and “perpetrator,” prior to any determination of guilt.
    5. Establish a pretrial services program to conduct a risk assessment on defendants in custody awaiting the initial appearance in court; provide supervision of defendants released by the court with conditions of pretrial release; and review the pretrial detainee population in the jail to see if circumstances may have changed that could allow for pretrial release.
    6. Prohibit prosecutors from employing coercive tactics, such as over-charging or use of superseding charges absent new evidence, which may induce a defendant to plead guilty simply to avoid an unwarranted prison sentence.
    7. Prosecutors should place all plea offers in writing for defendants, which would assure a measure of accountability and fairness in the bargaining process.
    8. Encourage prosecutors to value equitable resolutions rather than focus on high conviction rates. Due process for suspects should not be perceived as an obstruction to achieve “successful” prosecutions.
    9. Reinvigorate curricular attention at law schools about the importance of the presumption of innocence.
    10. Judges should apply the Daubert standard more commonly to expert witnesses who are providing scientifically questionable testimony.