Contact: G. Lawrence DeMarco, LLM
Email: ldemarco@menandboys.net
Phone: +1-215-901-1930
Men’s Equality Month UN Press Conference Shines Spotlight on Male Inequality
November 27, 2024 — On November 19, the International Council for Men and Boys (ICMB) hosted a groundbreaking press conference to commemorate Men’s Equality Month. (1) Held at the Even Hotel in New York City, the event was attended by a UN ambassador, media representatives, and others.
The press conference featured a panel of distinguished speakers addressing several of the 12 critical areas of male disadvantage (2):
- Lawrence DeMarco presented a visual overview of the 12 areas of male inequality, demonstrating their interconnectedness and reinforcing the need for comprehensive reform. (3)
- Warwick Marshof Australia (4) discussed the international significance of International Men’s Day, emphasizing the value of fatherhood and male role models. (5)
- Edward Stephens, M.D., the founder of MaleStudies.org (6), called for greater inclusion of fathers in early childhood, presenting research on the benefits of father involvement during pregnancy. (7)
- Stephen Boyd, founder of the Gabriella Boyd Memorial Foundation, (8) delivered a compelling talk on how unreasonable delays in the justice system led to tragic consequences for his young daughter. (9)
- David Heleniakdetailed the impact of domestic violence restraining orders on men’s civil liberties (10) and called for reforms to restore fairness in the legal processes. (11)
- Edward Bartlett, president of the ICMB, unveiled data that show women have long participated in medical research in numbers similar to their disease burden, thereby challenging the claim that women were routinely excluded from medical research. (12)
The conference reaffirmed ICMB’s dedication to addressing the 12 areas of male disadvantage, including disparities in education, parental rights, intimate partner violence, parental alienation, and health. ICMB urges lawmakers to implement evidence-based policies addressing male inequalities and calls on media outlets to spotlight these critical issues, fostering an informed and fair public dialogue.
The International Council for Men and Boys is a non-governmental organization that is working to celebrate the contributions of men to society and to end the 12 sex disparities that affect men and boys around the world. Achieving #GenderEqualityForMen also will benefit women. https://www.menandboys.net/
- https://www.menandboys.net/mem/
- https://www.menandboys.net/
- https://youtu.be/CZHlnTtVPDA?si=U1elGjGTPfMDfGUx
- https://dads4kids.org.au
- https://youtu.be/pLwIsVpHtco?si=4Bz3F6SuJPILFs3w
- https://www.malestudies.org
- https://youtu.be/KkM4Yn_5GVM8
- https://gabriellaboydfoundation.org
- https://youtu.be/x7QaYzfGOl4
- https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/lu_law_review/vol17/iss2/2/
- https://youtu.be/pVzCz9J3x6s
- https://youtu.be/kKUVKJiLaDk