Contact: G. Lawrence DeMarco, LLM
Email: ldemarco@menandboys.net
Phone: +1-215-901-1930
Global Leaders Champion Men’s Equality and Inspire Change Worldwide
December 5, 2024 – Our society is imperiled by its long-standing neglect of men, fathers, and boys. Marriage rates are falling, fertility is plummeting, and productivity is faltering, largely because of the societal neglect of men. (1) As a result, men are now lagging in 12 major areas, from educational attainment, to health status, and many more. (2)
Fortunately, this crisis is beginning to reverse itself as lawmakers and governments around the world have begun to take decisive action:
November 16: In Spain, ANAVID organized a demonstration in Madrid, attended by 300 persons, to protest the country’s domestic abuse policies that openly discriminate against male victims. (3)
November 19: On International Men’s Day, the International Council for Men and Boys held a press conference in New York City, hosting an UN ambassador, members of the media, and others. (4)
November 20: The Argentinian Senate approved a historic policy to impose legal sanctions on persons who make false allegations of abuse. (5)
November 22: The UK House of Commons held a spirited 90-minute debate, resolving “That this House has considered International Men’s Day, issues affecting boys’ and men’s health, and wellbeing and gender equality.” (6)
November 27: In Australia, Sarah Game MLC gave an impassioned presentation to Parliament about the importance of International Men’s Day. (7).
November 27: The Minister of Gender and Child Affairs in Trinidad and Tobago launched a new Men’s Bureau. (8)
In addition, at least six other countries held events to raise public awareness of the disparities affecting men, fathers, and boys, including Canada, El Salvador, India, Ireland, Kenya, and Sweden. (9)
These groundbreaking initiatives by lawmakers and others set a global standard for action on male disparity and should inspire legislators worldwide to prioritize fair solutions that address the challenges men and boys face.
The International Council for Men and Boys is a non-governmental organization that is working to celebrate the contributions of men to society and to end the 12 sex disparities that affect men and boys around the world. Achieving #GenderEqualityForMen also will benefit women. https://www.menandboys.net/
1. https://www.menandboys.net/pr/our-neglect-of-men-is-having-devastating-consequences-on-families-on-the-economy-and-more/
2. www.menandboys.net
3. https://anavid.es/eventos/manifestacion-16-de-noviembre-de-2024-por-los-ninos-la-presuncion-de-inocencia-la-igualdad-ante-la-ley-y-el-estado-de-derecho/
4. https://www.menandboys.net/pr/mens-equality-month-un-press-conference-shines-spotlight-on-male-inequality/
5. https://www.saveservices.org/2024/11/timeline/
6. https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2024-11-21/debates/4992E027-62FD-452D-859F-4C68F413FA00/InternationalMen’SDay#contribution-B847DF24-941C-4EDC-9053-51B445724A63
7. https://x.com/MLCGame/status/1861943274459852997
8. https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:f69854f9-a1f7-45de-80f8-cadc412d17e3
9. https://www.menandboys.net/mem