Contact: Henry Herrera
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Email: davia@endtodv.org
Men and Boys in Chile Face Major Challenges and Disadvantages
January 16, 2025 — A recent study highlights the structural and social disadvantages affecting men and boys in Chile, impacting multiple aspects of their lives. In several areas they face significant challenges, calling for a reordering of priorities by the state and society.
Homelessness: In Chile, men are disproportionately represented among the homeless population. According to the Ministry of Social Development in 2021, of the 19,438 people living in this condition, 84.2% are men, while women account for only 15.8%. These figures reveal a structural problem predominantly affecting the male population, highlighting the need for targeted public policies to address this issue. Men tend to face greater difficulties reintegrating into society due to the lack of inclusive policies directed at them.
Education: In Chile’s higher education system, significant differences are observed between men and women. In higher education, women have increased their share of undergraduate enrollment, representing 53.2% in 2023, compared to 48.2% in 2005. Furthermore, the overall enrollment rate in higher education is higher for women (46.3%) than for men (38.2%), showing a gender gap favoring women (3).
In terms of literacy, both men and women face challenges, with variations based on age and geographic location. According to the National Socioeconomic Characterization Survey (CASEN) 2017, the illiteracy rate among men over 15 years old is 3.5%, and the illiteracy rate is slightly higher at 3.7% (4), but the gap between the two is narrow. This emphasizes that the issue of illiteracy remains a pressing concern for both genders and requires equal attention for both men and women.
Health: In Chile, the life expectancy of men deserves particular attention. In 2022, the life expectancy at birth for Chilean men is 77.2 years, compared to 81.9 years for women, reflecting a disturbing sex disparity (5). The overall mortality rate is 6.1 per 1,000 men, compared to 5.2 per 1,000 women. (6) The leading causes of death among Chilean men include ischemic heart disease, with a rate of 122.8 per 100,000 inhabitants (7).
Violence: In Chile, violence disproportionately affects men and boys, which requires urgent attention. In homicide cases, 89% of victims in 2022 were men, while women represented only 11% (8). Violence against male children is also a significant concern. According to the 2nd National Polyvictimization Survey, 27% of male children and adolescents have been victims of violence by their primary caregivers, usually their mothers (9).
Labor Conditions: In Chile, labor conditions and workplace safety present significant challenges for men. According to data from the Superintendency of Social Security (SUSESO), in 2022 there were 187 fatal workplace accidents, 95% of which involved men and 5% women (10).
Conclusion: The challenges faced by men in Chile, compared to women, is not confined to Chile, but rather is part of a global trend (11). It is crucial to acknowledge these issues and actively work for solutions that promote a truly inclusive and equitable society for all.
2. https://www.latercera.com/noticia/catastro-mas-de-12-mil-personas-viven-en-la-calle-en-chile/