
Contact: Henry Herrera
Phone: +1-301-801-0608
Email: davia@endtodv.org 

The Reality of Men and Boys in Finland: Inequality and Struggle

March 13, 2025 – Men face significant challenges in Finland.  Addressing these issues requires targeted policies and support to meet the specific needs of men.


In 2023, at the University of Helsinki, Finland saw 4,143 women graduate, while male graduates were fewer than 2,000. (1) This reflects a gender gap in higher education, as in all OECD countries, where 54% of young women (25-34) attain tertiary education compared to 41% of men. In Finland, the rates are 46% for women and 33% for men, aligning with the OECD average. (2)


In Finland, there is a pronounced gap in life expectancy of more than 5 years.  The average life expectancy is 81.7 years, but by gender: 84.4 years for women and 79.1 years for men. (3)


In 2022, Finland recorded 748 suicides, with 565 committed by men and 183 by women. This corresponds to a rate of 20.52 suicides per 100,000 men and 6.51 per 100,000 women, a common trend in most countries, where men are at a considerably higher risk of suicide compared to women. (4)


Of the 55 homicides recorded in the country, the majority of victims were men, totaling 32, highlighting the greater male vulnerability to lethal violence. (5)


Fathers face significant disadvantages in child custody after divorce. A 2020 study found that 62% of children living with their mothers spend at most four nights a month with their fathers, while 29% spend even less than one night. Additionally, 27% of children live in single-parent homes, 82% with their mothers. Legally, only 13% of initial custody rulings favor fathers, and less than 3% of appeals overturn decisions in their favor. This has a direct impact on male well-being, with 58% reporting mental health deterioration and 37% stating their children’s health was significantly affected. (6)  


The latest national estimates of homelessness in Finland for 2023 indicate 22% are women and 78% are men. (7)


In Finland, during 2022, approximately 72.5% of serious workplace accidents occurred among men, reflecting their greater exposure to high-risk occupations. (8)


Male disadvantage in Finland must be recognized and addressed, as statistically, men struggle in Finland similarly to the rest of the world.  Implementing specific policies and resources that promote their mental health, safety, and well-being is essential, ensuring equal opportunities and a better quality of life for all. (9)

The International Council for Men and Boys is a non-governmental organization that is working to celebrate the contributions of men to society and to end the 12 sex disparities that affect men and boys around the world. Achieving #GenderEqualityForMen also will benefit women. https://www.menandboys.net/









8. https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=File:Number_of_non-fatal_and_fatal_accidents_at_work,_2022_(people)_Health2024.png#file
