Reproductive and Adoption Rights


  • Upon becoming pregnant, a woman can choose to have the baby, get an abortion, or put the baby up for adoption. Men have none of these rights.
  • Newsweek editorial: Give Men Reproductive Rights, Too

Strategies and Solutions:

  • Assertively speak out when men’s reproductive and adoption rights are ignored.


Strategies and Solutions:

According to Women Against Paternity Fraud:

  • For purposes of state compliance with paternity establishment targets and incentive payments, the federal government should count only those paternities that are confirmed by the DNA test.
  • Congress should also instruct the bureaucracy to count and identify paternity fraud victims, develop mechanisms for their emancipation, and require procedures to minimize future paternity fraud victimization.
  • States should abolish all judicial or statutory barriers to the emancipation of paternity fraud victims.
  • States should mandate in-hospital DNA testing for all newborns and prohibit paternity establishment unless and until confirmed by DNA testing.
  • After any default judgement, states should require DNA testing immediately upon locating the defendant for garnishments or other enforcement action.